18 Metallic Coloured Pencils$14.99
Sale! SK5 Obsidian Paleo Lance$850.00
MN_Z040623 Translucent Obsidian Rose Springs Arrowhead$50.00
JD4 Western Stemmed Cascade Dart$150.00
RJ248 Translucent Obsidian Eastgate Arrowhead$75.00
TFHJ10 Translucent Obsidian Humboldt$50.00
TFHJ57 Pinto Basin Dart Point$75.00
TFHJ63 Obsidian Eastgate Arrow$50.00
TGA_G4 Four Obsidian & Agate Artifacts$50.00
TGA28 Beautiful Translucent Obsidian Cascade$50.00
TGA25 California Elko Dart$125.00
TGA34 Silver Lake Stemmed Dart$100.00
TGA8 Borax Lake Cluster Stemmed Dart$65.00
TGA119 Semi-translucent Ano Nuevo$150.00
RF77 Agate Cascade Dart$150.00
RF171 Beautiful Obsidian Rose Springs Arrowhead$175.00
TH550 Ground Stone Nephrite Adze$50.00
Sale! CRB0822_JS Strand of Various Fancy Columbia River Ground Stone Beads$575.00
TLIB0822 Museum Quality Tlingit Rattle Top Basket$5,000.00
RRIRAAAAB032122 Relics & Reproductions: Identifying Reproduction & Altered Ancient American Artifacts$80.00
IAAFAB032122 Identifying Altered Ancient Flint Artifacts: Relics & Reproductions Series – Book II$80.00
THC_798 JW Hardie Whiskey Bottle$40.00
THC_800 Cantrell & Cochrane Bottle$50.00
THC_795 Peter Dawson Distillers Bottle$25.00
THC_797 Johnson Liverpool Compass Ale Bottle$20.00
THC_796 HILDEBRANDT POSNER & CO Whiskey Bottle$150.00
THC_794 Silver Springs Brewery Victoria BC Beer Bottle$65.00
THC_793 New Westminster Brewery BC Beer Bottle$50.00
THC_777 Black Bear Brand BC Soda Pop Bottle$75.00
THC_b1 Codds Patent Bottle Soda Bottle$25.00
THC_772 Meikle Bros. Vancouver BC Bottle$100.00
THC_795 Wilson’s Invalids Port Wine Bottle$65.00
THC_759 Early 1900’s Ye Old Country Stone Ginger Beer Bottle$45.00
The Hardie Collection Soft Cover Book$75.00
NNWPZ46 Double-Sided Mini Puzzle – Hummingbird and Dragonfly$4.00
NNWPZ45 Double-Sided Mini Puzzle – Beaver and Crab$4.00
NNW_MASK69 Reusable Face Mask – Octopus$12.99
NNW_FIL10 Cotton Face Mask Filters$11.99
NNW_MASK17 Reusable Cotton Face Mask – Orca Family$12.99
NNW_MASK13 Reusable Cotton Face Mask – Tradition$12.99
ORR ON ICE$65.00
NNWTB0620_02 Cedar Basket & Native Elements Playing Cards$50.00
CWP010920 Carved wooden Spoon with Bird Head$300.00
ITP010820 Inuit Tobacco Pipe with Seal Head$400.00
THC_791 Late 1800’s Large Vancouver Brewery Beer Bottle$50.00
BS1119_06 20″ Long Strand of Top Grade Columbia River Ground Stone Beads$4,000.00
BS1119_05 11″ Long Strand of Columbia River Ground Stone Beads$800.00
BS1119_03 21″ Strand Columbia River Ground Stone Beads$1,000.00
BS1119_02 11″ Strand Columbia River Ground Steatite Stone Beads$750.00
BS1119_01 20″ Strand Columbia River Stone Beads$1,200.00
NNW_PLC12 Native Elements Playing Cards$15.00
WR108 Agate Triangular Mule Ear Knife$65.00
JP49 Early Chert Cascade Knife$150.00
BH47 Early Archaic Jasper Knife$150.00
TTNQ Translucent Obsidian Rose Springs$75.00
TDB70 Molded Brown Jasper Cascade$175.00
RF238 Beautiful Translucent Obsidian Elko$250.00
TTG0515-2 Petrified Wood Plateau Pentagonal Blade$125.00
TTG0515-1 Petrified Wood Mule Ear Blade$75.00
TKA008 Translucent Obsidian Silver Lake blade.$250.00
ES05 Dactite Columbia Plateau Point$75.00
Colouring Book – Explore the Animals$7.99
Colouring Journal 2 Northwest Coast First Nations & Native Art$10.99
Colouring Journal: Northwest Coast First Nations & Native Art$10.99
Colour and Draw Northwest Coast Native Formline$10.99
Colouring Bentwood Boxes$10.99
Towel – Guardians of the Ocean by Marcel Russ$23.99
Kwakiutl Series 1 Volume 7$10.00
Bella Coola 1 Volume 10$10.00
National Geographic Vol. 180, No. 4$5.00
Colouring our Drums$12.99
TWA434 The Aboriginal Pipes of Wisconsin 1905$25.00
HAC3 Haida Their Art and Culture$15.00
Sale! 24 Salish Sea Flash Cards$17.99
RF113 Rare Single Barb Eastgate Arrow$100.00
RF115 Rosegate Cluster Artifact$100.00
RF206 Rosegate Cluster Arrow Point$60.00
SSH01lrg Sweat Shirt Hoodies$45.00
TGR1506 Taylor-Forbes Sad Iron Set$50.00
TOB1501 Medalta Pottery Hot Water Bottle$50.00
RBBS_120914 Kallamath Falls Oregon Bola Stone$65.00
Can35_070914 Twenty Five 1980 Canadian 35 Cent Michel CA 759 Downhill Skier MNH Olympic Games LAKE PLACID$15.50
Can17_070914 Fifty 1980 17 cent Academy of Arts MEETING OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES$18.50
Can10_070914 Thirty 1976 Canadian Christmas Nativity 10 Ceny Stamps$7.50
Can8pm_070914 Fifty 1974 8 cent LETTER CARRIER SERVICE -POSTMASTER$10.00
Can8_070914 Fifty 8 Cent Canadian Stamps 1973 BICENTENARY SCOTTISH SETTLERS at PICTOU, N.S.$10.00
DRSBC_100914 Klickitat County Bank Receipt$12.00
DRSBC_110914 Goldendale, Washington Bank Receipt$12.00
DRSBC_090914 Wasco Warehouse Company Receipt$12.00
DRSBC_080914 Memorandum Receipt$8.00
DRSBC_070914 Imperial Hotel Portland, Oregon Receipt$10.00
DRSBC_060914 First National Bank Receipt$10.00
DRSBC_040914 Central Hotel Washington Receipt$10.00
DRSBC_030914 Glendale Washington Receipt$10.00
DRSBC_020914 Glendale Washington Receipt$8.00
BF16 Ground Stone Nephrite Adze$175.00
TM79 Translucent Obsidian Humboldt Dart$75.00
TM91 Translucent Obsidian Parman$150.00
TM103 Obsidian Windust Knife$350.00
DRSBC_010914 1890’s John Stewart Business Card$10.00
BCPP101312 Wood Vallance Leggat Ltd. Receipt$7.00
BCPP101311 Delta Meat Market Receipt$7.00
BCPP101308 Mackay Smith Blair & Co. Receipt$10.00
BCPP101307 BC Packers Invoice$7.00
BCPP101306 J. Leckie Store Recept$5.00
BCPP101305 McLennan McFeely Store Recept$10.00
BCPP101304 Thomas McNeely Ladner Store Recept$10.00
TDPP101303 Thos. Dunn & Co. Ltd. Bill of Sale$7.00
PFCB0291301 Washington’s Story: The Conquest$25.00
TM26 Obsidian Lake Mohave (Chisel Tip)$675.00
FOS081311 Enrolled Trilobite Fossil Specimen$15.00
RF363 Obsidian Parman$175.00
RG110113 Shaniko Stemmed Dart$50.00
AT122 Translucent Obsidian Cascade Shouldered$75.00
AT134 Obsidian Elko Corner Notched Knife$175.00
Sale! SR121201 Shaniko Stemmed Artifact$100.00
SK35 Obsidian Cordilleran Knife$125.00
SK26 Large Obsidian Knife Preform$150.00
SK21 Obsidian Steamboat Lance$60.00
SK60 Obsidian Steamboat Lance$80.00
SK9 Petrified Wood Windust Spear/Knife$300.00
SK6 Northern Side Notched Knife$450.00
SK5 Archaic Triangular Knife$225.00
SK1 Paleo Stemmed Knife$375.00
PC121128 RPPC Picture Postcard Alexandra Bridge$25.00
PC121127 RPPC Picture Postcard Thompson River Lytton BC$30.00
PC121125 RPPC Picture Postcard Black Canyon Thompson River$30.00
PC121124 RPPC Picture Postcard Alexandra Bridge$35.00
PC121123 RPPC Picture Postcard of RR Bridges$35.00
PC121122 RPPC Picture Postcard of Hells Gate$25.00
PC121121 RPPC Picture Postcard of Hope BC$25.00
PC121120 RPPC Picture Postcard of 1948 Matsqui Prairie Flood$40.00
PC1211017 RPPC Postcard of Big Hollow Tree Stanley Park$40.00
PC1211016 Coloured Picture Postcard of Big Tree Stanley Park$40.00
PC1211015 Coloured Postcard of Big Hollow Tree$35.00
PC1211014 Picture Postcard of Siwash Rock Stanley Park$50.00
PC1211013 Picture Postcard of Big Hollow Tree Stanley Park$50.00
PC1211010 Coloured Postcard of Queen Johnnie$40.00
PC121108 RPPC Postcard Totems Stanley Park$25.00
PC121106 RPPC Postcard of Totems of BC$40.00
PC121105 RPPC Postcard of Totems at Kispiox BC$35.00
PC121104 RPPC Postcard of Cemetery Gate Cache Creek$40.00
PC121103 RPPC Postcard of Burial Ground Kyuquot BC$50.00
PC121102 RPPC Postcard of Alexandra Bridge$25.00
PC121101 Picture Postcard of Big Tree Stanley Park$15.00
TLBWST01 8 Obsidian Drill & Reamer Tools$150.00
TTRGQ Jasper Thumbnail Scraper$10.00
TTRGP Chert Uniface Scraper$20.00
Sale! TTRGI Translucent Agate Scraper Tool$12.00
Sale! TTRGJ Translucent Agate Scraper Tool$15.00
TTRGN Translucent Agate Scraper Tool$10.00
TTRGO Translucent Agate Scraper Tool$10.00
Sale! TGA363 Anasazi Earthenware Pottery Jug$500.00
TLB66 Translucent Obsidian Humboldt$50.00
TDB373 Grey Obsidian Serrated Calapooya$25.00
TDB381 Translucent Obsidian Serrated Calapooya$25.00
TDB246 Translucent Obsidian Serrated Calapooya$20.00
TDB374 Translucent Obsidian Serrated Calapooya$25.00
RF162 Desert Sierra Arrowhead$75.00
Sale! RF255 Translucent Agate Dart$125.00
RF275 Very Nice Oregon Bone Awl Example$150.00
RF280 Translucent Serrated Obsidian Elko Eared Dart$200.00
RF346 Obsidian Parman Dart$225.00
RF353 Unique Grey Obsidian Stemmed Crescent Tool$350.00
TJC73 Agate Columbia River Cascade$225.00
TJC93 Early Archaic Basalt Knife$275.00
RJ26 Elko with Spokeshave$125.00
RJ41 Hafted Scraper or Blunt Form$40.00
RJ86 Mahogany Obsidian Shaniko Stemmed$125.00
RJ92 Lake Mohave$75.00
RJ240 Green Obsidian Eastgate$65.00
RJ339 Mahogany Obsidian Rose Springs$75.00
RJ340 Obsidian Rose Springs Stemmed$75.00
RG131 Archaic Agatized Wood Blade$50.00
GF01 Purple Jasper Knife$125.00
GF02 Translucent Cascade Knife$100.00
TGA100 Obsidian Humbodlt Dart$100.00
TFHJ31 Obsidian Great Basin Stemmed$1,100.00
TFHJ43 Obsidian Cordilleran Lanceolate$475.00
WR075 Obsidian Northern Side Notched$175.00
TFHJ60 Black Obsidian Elko Dart$125.00
TFHJ34 Translucent Obsidian Humboldt Triangular$125.00
TFHJ71 Paleo Early Leaf Blade$275.00
Sale! TJC104 Agatized Wood Plateau Pentagonal$185.00
TBM2 Translucent Cascade Knife$400.00
VOP-G Bronze 2010 Vancouver Olympic Collector’s Set$149.00
VOP-G Gold 2010 Vancouver Olympic Collector’s Set$149.00
VOP-S Silver 2010 Vancouver Olympic Collector’s Set$149.00
Sale! TKA075 Obsidian Elko Corner Notched Dart$60.00
Sale! TKA074 Obsidian Elko Corner Notched Dart$80.00
TKA026 Obsidian Hawken Dart$50.00
TKA040 Grey Obsidian Shouldered Cascade$150.00
TKA024 Translucent Obsidian Elko Dart$75.00
TKA009 Classic semi-translucent obsidian Early Leaf Blade$250.00
TKA037 Horton Collection Obsidian Cascade$75.00
RG07 Obsidian Calapooya Arrow$45.00
Sale! SC1201-A Never opened, sealed packet of 1992 Donruss Major League Baseball cardscards$2.50
Sale! SC1201 4 Never opened, sealed packs of 1992 Donruss Major League Baseball cards$10.00
PC201001 Used Coloured Postcard of Multnomah Falls Columbia River Oregon.$10.00
PC201023 Emerald Lake BC Canada Photo Postcard$10.00
PC201021 18 picture Columbia River Hwy Postcard Foldout Booklet.$20.00
PC201022 SS Onward on the Fraser River$5.00
PC201018 Private Postcard Government House and Dunsmuir Castle$18.00
PC201014 RPPC of Whites Creek Bridge and the Fraser Canyon$25.00
PC201009Vintage Postcard Yale, BC$10.00
PC201008 Picture Postcard Columbia Street New West BC$10.00
PC201006 Vintage Postcard Yale Creek Fraser River BC$12.00
PC201005 Vintage Postcard SS Princess Victoria Entering Lions Gate$12.00
PC201004 Vintage Postcard of Oneonta Gorge Columbia River$12.00
PC201003 Autographed picture of Legendary WW2 Canadian Fighter Ace$50.00
TJ0504 Hand made sterling silver native Navajo earrings$18.00
TJ0502 Hand made sterling silver native Navajo earrings$30.00
Sale! TJ0503 Hand made sterling silver native Navajo earrings$30.00
Sale! TPC0605 Peruvian Pottery Vessel$450.00
Sale! TPC0608 Peruvian Pottery Vessel$500.00
Sale! TPC0604 Peruvian Pottery Vessel$450.00
Sale! TPC0601 Pottery Monte Albán Bowl$350.00
Sale! TPC0606 Peruvian Pottery Vessel$550.00
Sale! TPC0603 Peruvian Pottery Vessel$675.00
Sale! TCC-GT1202 Morning Prayers – Original Acrylic Painting$250.00
Sale! TCC-GT1201 Thunderbird Child – Original Acrylic Painting$199.00
TMC-C Gold Mine Cupule$20.00
TMC-B Gold Mine Cupule$10.00
TMC-A Gold Mine Cupule$20.00
TMC1003 Translucent Replica Ishi Arrowhead Resin Cast$125.00
Sale! TGR1000 2 Chinese Glass Fan-Tan Game Beads$5.00
RF261 Unique Hand Knife$250.00
RJ-316 Pinto Basin$65.00
FH366 Obsidian Wallula$45.00