Old antique bottles from the BC Pioneers, The Gold Rush Era and the early days of British Columbia and other areas of the Pacific Northwest.
THC_798 JW Hardie Whiskey Bottle$40.00
THC_800 Cantrell & Cochrane Bottle$50.00
THC_795 Peter Dawson Distillers Bottle$25.00
THC_797 Johnson Liverpool Compass Ale Bottle$20.00
THC_796 HILDEBRANDT POSNER & CO Whiskey Bottle$150.00
THC_794 Silver Springs Brewery Victoria BC Beer Bottle$65.00
THC_793 New Westminster Brewery BC Beer Bottle$50.00
THC_777 Black Bear Brand BC Soda Pop Bottle$75.00
THC_b1 Codds Patent Bottle Soda Bottle$25.00
THC_772 Meikle Bros. Vancouver BC Bottle$100.00
THC_795 Wilson’s Invalids Port Wine Bottle$65.00
THC_759 Early 1900’s Ye Old Country Stone Ginger Beer Bottle$45.00
THC_791 Late 1800’s Large Vancouver Brewery Beer Bottle$50.00
TOB1501 Medalta Pottery Hot Water Bottle$50.00