RJ278 Semi-Translucent Obsidian Rose Springs Arrowhead$75.00
RJ248 Translucent Obsidian Eastgate Arrowhead$75.00
TFHJ10 Translucent Obsidian Humboldt$50.00
TFHJ57 Pinto Basin Dart Point$75.00
TFHJ63 Obsidian Eastgate Arrow$50.00
TGA_G4 Four Obsidian & Agate Artifacts$50.00
TGA28 Beautiful Translucent Obsidian Cascade$50.00
TGA8 Borax Lake Cluster Stemmed Dart$65.00
TH550 Ground Stone Nephrite Adze$50.00
RRIRAAAAB032122 Relics & Reproductions: Identifying Reproduction & Altered Ancient American Artifacts$80.00
IAAFAB032122 Identifying Altered Ancient Flint Artifacts: Relics & Reproductions Series – Book II$80.00
THC_800 Cantrell & Cochrane Bottle$50.00
THC_794 Silver Springs Brewery Victoria BC Beer Bottle$65.00
THC_793 New Westminster Brewery BC Beer Bottle$50.00
THC_777 Black Bear Brand BC Soda Pop Bottle$75.00
THC_795 Wilson’s Invalids Port Wine Bottle$65.00
The Hardie Collection Soft Cover Book$75.00
ORR ON ICE$65.00
NNWTB0620_02 Cedar Basket & Native Elements Playing Cards$50.00
THC_791 Late 1800’s Large Vancouver Brewery Beer Bottle$50.00
WR108 Agate Triangular Mule Ear Knife$65.00
TTNQ Translucent Obsidian Rose Springs$75.00
TTG0515-1 Petrified Wood Mule Ear Blade$75.00
ES05 Dactite Columbia Plateau Point$75.00
RF206 Rosegate Cluster Arrow Point$60.00
TGR1506 Taylor-Forbes Sad Iron Set$50.00
TOB1501 Medalta Pottery Hot Water Bottle$50.00
RBBS_120914 Kallamath Falls Oregon Bola Stone$65.00
TM79 Translucent Obsidian Humboldt Dart$75.00
RG110113 Shaniko Stemmed Dart$50.00
AT122 Translucent Obsidian Cascade Shouldered$75.00
SK21 Obsidian Steamboat Lance$60.00
SK60 Obsidian Steamboat Lance$80.00
PC1211014 Picture Postcard of Siwash Rock Stanley Park$50.00
PC1211013 Picture Postcard of Big Hollow Tree Stanley Park$50.00
PC121103 RPPC Postcard of Burial Ground Kyuquot BC$50.00
TLB66 Translucent Obsidian Humboldt$50.00
RF162 Desert Sierra Arrowhead$75.00
RJ92 Lake Mohave$75.00
RJ240 Green Obsidian Eastgate$65.00
RJ339 Mahogany Obsidian Rose Springs$75.00
RJ340 Obsidian Rose Springs Stemmed$75.00
RG131 Archaic Agatized Wood Blade$50.00
Sale! TKA075 Obsidian Elko Corner Notched Dart$60.00
Sale! TKA074 Obsidian Elko Corner Notched Dart$80.00
TKA026 Obsidian Hawken Dart$50.00
TKA024 Translucent Obsidian Elko Dart$75.00
TKA037 Horton Collection Obsidian Cascade$75.00
PC201003 Autographed picture of Legendary WW2 Canadian Fighter Ace$50.00
RJ-316 Pinto Basin$65.00